Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Corner Creek

I'm a believer that things happen for a reason. Sometimes it's good, sometimes bad, and there are the occasions where it could be years before the end result of the chain reaction of the initial thing happening reveals itself. Somewhat complicated, I know but in this case it's good. It's bourbon, and that's always good.
Corner Creek Bourbon to be exact. I was originally drawn to the fact that it was from Bardstown, KY- the same area where Old Pogue is distilled and being a girl, I found the label appealing. It reminded me of Charlottesville, one of my favorite places on earth and never a bad thing to think about when enjoying a glass. The store manager was also helpful in recommending it, for the price range ($25-30) I was torn between this and another but wanted a good contrast from Old Pogue and settled on this one, which he described as rustic and a bit more harsh.

It smelled like vanilla and not just the faint hint as in a good ice cream, but like taking a whiff straight from the bottle. At 88 proof seemed as though the sharp smell would carry through on the palate but in tasting, it was very smooth... the first thing that came to mind was butter. Smokey and complex, sweet but not overly caramel, and for the price I believe I stumbled on great value. 

And in researching it, I found that not only is it produced in Bardstown, but by the same company that produces Old Pogue- KBD. Corner Creek is one of their limited availability brands, aged for 8 years and a great addition to my collection. Had I known it was also KBD I probably would have gone with the other choice, with no intention other than to try something completely different. But these things do happen for a reason and maybe that reason is nothing more than to have great bourbon.

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