Monday, June 13, 2011

The Ugly Duckling that is Tuna Salad

There's no way to make tuna salad look good. Not lighting, not editing, not even fancy filters. No way whatsoever. But we should all be pretty clear on what it looks like anyways so I'll skip the food porn shot and instead include a few pretties below from my wonderful, relaxing concert weekend in addition to my absolute favorite tuna salad recipe that I just kind of threw together last night when I got home from my latest travels. This salad was so delicious I had to make it again for lunch today. It's that good. And super easy. And healthy.
Instagram is great for making other things look good though.
Like making the random Merriweather Fountain look like something right out of an English garden
The Best Tuna Salad
1- 5 oz can of tuna packed in olive oil- drained
1 tsp light mayo
1 1/2 tsp honey mustard
1/2 tsp horseradish
Light splash of basalmic vinegar
2 tsp currants

1. Drain tuna well, then add to a bowl. In another bowl mix together the dressing ingredients and add a spoonful at a time to the tuna until it has reached your desired meat to dressing ratio. Serve over toast or mixed greens.

Note- I don't care for too much dressing, so if you do you may want to add more mayo and mustard. Since the tuna was already packed in olive oil I like to keep the mayo (i.e. fat) on the light side anyways.

The past few weekends have been just wonderful and there will be many more to come but I am exhausted and am planning to stay local this weekend and put off the shore until next weekend. Not that I'll be any less busy. Tomorrow one of my absolute favorite bands is playing at my lovely little park around the corner from my place along with an opener I've been curious to see. I'm also making a major summer purchase this week that was discussed here, and am so excited about it.  All that and then fitting in a favorite designer's sample sale, a happy hour with work friends, booking 2 major birthday trips for September, making it to gym and boy time and it's another non-stop week. But if I didn't love it I wouldn't do it.
Dawes playing with M. Ward and my amazing seats
And sitting out on the lawn listening to Bright Eyes this weekend in Virginia, feeling the summer heat give way to a cool evening breeze, I was overcome with emotion for all the things I have to be thankful for. Being able to live my life the way I want, being able to keep a beautiful home, to travel, to go to concerts like these, to come back to a nurturing and mentally stimulating job doing exactly what I've always wanted to do. Having such wonderful and supportive people surrounding me, people I love to live life with, doing all sorts of random things and being with me through all the experiences I've had that have led me to where I am. And one day, when I'm in a different place in life, when it isn't just me, I know I'll look back on these days as my utopia, when life was both calm and exciting, independent and fun. And knowing that, and knowing it now, makes me so grateful to myself for being strong and confident in my choices thus far. For being able to live my life to it's fullest and never take a second for granted.

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